This Industry Is Plagued With Business, Marketing, Sales, And Money Coaches
Who Charge Up The Butt Hole And Give Little To Their Clients In Return…

So When You Swoop In Like Wonder Woman And Save The Day
With These Quick Cash Injection Strategies That Can Make Your
Clients Big Money FAST Needless To Say, You Stand Out.


Quick! Schedule your call while you can! There were only 25 spots available
and within the first 48hrs of doors opening, 5 spots were snatched up!

The Certified Cash Injection Coach™ Program is the only certification program that not only teaches coaches how take control of the cash flow in their own business (with quick cash strategies that don't require a webinar, sales page, big launch, or crazy technology), but it also teaches coaches how to apply these same strategies into their client's business too.

Because when you are able to get your clients Big Results Super Fast...

  • You generate more testimonials and case studies to show off in your marketing
  • You feel a gazillion times more confident in your services
  • You increase your prices with ease too!

Nobody told you about all the villains around here, did they?

You know, the ones hiding in grimy back alleys, waiting to mess up your game and keep you from even coming near your goals.

They’re in cahoots, these nefarious evil-doers… and they’re after your income… your time… and your

But most of all, they want to destroy your coaching powers for good! (Well, for evil, really….)

I’ve been patrolling the streets around here for a LONG time, and I’ve pretty much seen it all.

  • Women and men hunkered down in fear, wondering why they ever decided to become coaches in the first place…
  • Business and marketing coaches robbed of the ability to charge the fees they really deserve…
  • Clients who have paid huge sums for coaching, wandering around lost and empty-handed…
  • Bright, innovative coaches confined to the shadows of obscurity because of a lack of testimonials….
  • Half-crazed sales and money coaches muttering incoherently to themselves, trying to figure out what to offer to their clients…

All because the Coaching Universe is rife with villains who will do anything in their power to ruin you!

“98 Sales Calls In 48 Hours!"

I knew within a couple of posts that I just had to work with Amanda, her energy and positivity is contagious and so is her success! I implemented a few strategies from her Cash Injection Campaign and booked 98 strategy calls in 48 hours! I have since implemented a few more and was able to generate 7k in the first week of 2017! I have no doubt that Amanda's strategies work and I have seen a return on my investment and then some within a few weeks of working with her. She's AHHH-MAZING!

~ Wendy Porter, Instagram Expert, Arizona,
Had A Sizable Following To Tap Into

“$20K In 2 Weeks With No Hustle!”

“I was able to create $20K in barely 2 weeks and never had to create a sales page, setup technology or hustle to make it happen! This is RINSE. REPEAT process that EVERY entrepreneur needs to inject into their business!”

~ Ann Strout, Business Coach, Maine
Had Previous Clients To Tap Into

“$21K In 60 Days!"

""I'm somewhat of a veteran in the online world, and have done many launches, campaigns, funnels, you name it. I did a VIP Day with Amanda over the summer and she gave me a cash injection campaign which resulted in 21k in new money in 60 days. It was some of the easiest money I've made in my business. AGP knows her stuff! Thanks Amanda!"

~ Christine Gallagher, Business Coach, New Jersey
Had A Mailing List To Tap Into

“4 Clients In ONE Week!”

"I made my money back by sending one email, so it was well worth the investment. By using the strategies in the program, I secured 4 new deals within the 1 week. 3 of the packages were from clients whose work would have otherwise come to an end and 1 package was for a new client. The best part of the program, was that it taught me how to think of ways to serve my existing clients in ways that I would have not explored without the training in Amanda's program.”

~ Treva Marshall, Web Expert, Texas
Had A Couple Previous Clients To Tap Into

“$23,5000 in 2 weeks!"

“I bought Amanda's Cash Injection Intensive on a whim. As a Sales Coach, it's really rare that I meet other coaches in my industry who gets results... and I'm glad to say that Amanda is AMAZING.

The Cash Injection Intensive was awesome - and a real opportunity for me to focus on results. I generated over $23,500 in just two weeks using only two of the campaigns - and that was without my focusing all of my time on it!

Amanda is amazing. She truly knows what works in the industry, is incredibly accessible and supportive. Over the years, I've had many coaches - and Amanda is genuinely one of the best.”

~ Jessica Lorimer, Sales Coach, The UK
Had A Sizeable Following To Tap Into


In fact, I have simplified and templatized this so well that of the 37 clients who have gone through my cash injection campaigns, they made approximately HALF A MILLION DOLLARS, with some people getting results in as quick as 30 minutes and others taking 60 days.

The more you have in place (mailing list, previous clients, social media following, referral partners, etc), the bigger the results you have the potential to create in a faster period of time. If you're not sure what you have in place, we'll teach you how to identify your opportunities, just as we did with the case studies above!

How would you like experience this for yourself?

Well, now you finally have a chance to make that difference, because I've decided to give you the opportunity to swipe my cash injection process, campaigns, and templates to use in your business (AND you can educate your clients about them too)!

It’s Time For A New Breed of Business and
Marketing Coaches!

Coaches Who Give A Crap About Their Clients Results.
For How To Get Their Clients Big RESULTS
Coaches Who Get Those Results QUICKLY And Easily.

It’s My Not-So-Secret SuperPreneur Mission To Change The Coaching
Industry And Create The Best Of The Best Coaches Through:


Quick! Schedule your call while you can! There were only 25 spots available
and within the first 48hrs of doors opening, 5 spots were snatched up!

Are You “Certified Cash Injection Coach” Material?

  • You want to have complete control over your cash flow and get it without needing a sales page, technology, of fancy launch…
  • You’re a business, marketing, sales, or money coach and you want to help your client get bigger results in faster time frames…
  • You’d love a hand with speeding up and improving those results through a system that is intentionally designed to do just that….
  • You’d love to feel confident in your coaching so that you can navigate your sales conversations without anxiety, shame, or guilt, knowing your clients are in good hands…
  • You’d love to increase testimonials, case studies, and client results in your marketing so that you can rise your prices with ease…
  • You’d love to take part in a respected and powerful certification program that will help distinguish your value and expertise in this competitive marketplace…
  • You’d love to save tons of man hours and trial and error with done-for-you and original content and distributable copy to use with your clients…
  • You’re giddy and filled with joy when you imagine boosting your client base, and providing real and true value to customers who eager to pay what your level of coaching and expertise DESERVES!
  • You’re so ready to break the mood and become exceptional in your coaching business, to fulfil your true nerd potential and boost the caliber and value of your services…

If that sounds like you…
Here's Your Opportunity To Increase
Your Client Results, Confidence, Prices, and Income With

The Certification Program Follows
A 3-Pronged Approach:

You will experience Cash Injections first-hand, so that you know how to do them in your own business before you go and try to teach it to someone else.

Rather than simply regurgitating my campaign information to your clients, you will actually do your own cash injections, so that through your own understanding of the process of controlling cash flow, you can provide valuable advice to your clients.

The understanding and ability to simplify and speed up cash creation is beyond crucial to growing your business especially when times are tight or you’re in a pinch. Understanding and experiencing by doing will help you to deliver this knowledge to your clients.

Plus, Win-Win, by implementing these campaigns, you’ll can try your hand at injecting some quick cash into your own business too (that’s always fun)!

Because doing and teaching are two very different things, you will learn how to actually teach and coach someone on cash injections.

My goal is to make you one of the best of the best coaches out there, so you will receive extensive training on how to be a great coach.

This includes how to coach your clients through picking offers, picking traffic, picking cash injection campaigns, implementing them, and what to do if something goes wrong or a client doesn’t have a lot in place. These are all scenarios you, as a coach, must be prepared for if you want to get great results and give a great client experience.

Remember: When your clients see results, so will you.

Expect to see more testimonials, referrals, and returning business. Not to mention, increased recognition and status within this field.

You will learn how to plug cash injections into your current business, offers, and services. You'll learn when it's best to do these campaigns, what type of entrepreneurs they work best for, and all that jazz!

In fact, you’ll even get my pre-developed and thoughtfully crafted written sales pages, emails, and marketing collateral so that you can run your own Cash Injection Intensives, VIP Days, and more.

I'm a bit of a template whore, soooooo....yay!


Quick! Schedule your call while you can! There were only 25 spots available
and within the first 48hrs of doors opening, 5 spots were snatched up!

Time to Bring Out a Really Long Measuring Tape…
my Clients’ Successes Stretch Far and Wide!

let's magnify the case studies

“I Made $295K in 30 Days!”

“"Amanda has an innate ability to help you realize what resources are already available to you in your business and then expand on those opportunities. I will admit that I had NO IDEA that my cash injection campaign would be so successful (I made 6 $7500 sales and 1 $250,000 sale in 30 days!). I was intimidated as I was very new to this world and had never offered something so expensive before. However, with Amanda's guidance and encouragement, I was able to think more creatively about what services I could offer, and what my time and energy were TRULY worth. I'm not sure where you are going in your business, but I can promise you that Amanda is full of amazing ideas to help you get to where you want to be. Just take the leap of faith and commit to yourself and your worth, and you are halfway there....she will help with the rest! "”

~ Jasmine Judson, Yoga Instructor, Hawaii
Had 3 Brick & Mortar Stores To Tap Into

“$25K + an additional $5K in recurring revenue in 2 weeks!”

“Using the strategies Amanda's cash injection campaign, I was able to book 5 clients at $5K in less than two weeks. In addition, she urged me to do a Black Friday campaign which I wasn't planning on doing and I got 113 new members into my membership site in 48 hours. That will equal up to an additional $5K in recurring revenue. The strategies are easy to implement, can be done without any big launch or crazy tech. ”

~Jenn Scalia, Visibility Coach, New Jersey
Had Previous Clients And A List To Tap Into

"The Quickest $7K I've Ever Made!"

“I play the harp – I’m great at playing and teaching music, not great at numbers. It never even occurred to me to try a “cash injection” but with Amanda’s plan, I made 20 phone calls and had 4 coaching clients at DOUBLE my usual teaching rate. That was the quickest $7000 I ever earned! And the best part is, Amanda taught me her system that will allow me to repeat and multiply that success as much as I want!”

~ Anne Sullivan, Coach For Harpists, Pennsylvania
Had A Niched Mailing List To Tap Into

"I Made An ROI In ONE Week from ONE Campaign"

“"What I love about Amanda is that she really respects your investment and genuinely wants you to make your money back. After just implementing one campaign with her templates, I made $5k right away (which was more than what I had paid her). That was ONE campaign, ONE week, and a complete ROI. Imagine what you could do if you had more time with her and even more of her campaigns in your pocket. One word: Gold"”

~ Amy Pearson, Approval Coach, Oregon
Had A Mailing List To Tap Into

“I Implemented Last Minute And STILL Made My Money Back”

“I joined the Cash Injection program just before I was about to go on a two week vacation abroad. But, I was at a point where many events in my personal life had started to seep into my business productivity and I was starting to feel blah about where I was going. I hadn't launched anything in a while and I was just sort of coasting by and doing contract work. That's why I said yes because I have always had great experiences with Amanda's programs. So, when I joined, I also knew I would get started really late in the game, literally only a handful of days before the end. So, I jumped in, followed the lessons, figured out really quickly which campaign was ideal for what I wanted to do, and just followed the steps. The best part was I didn't have to do a whole lot to set anything up. I didn't have to create any big funnels or do a ton of webinars. I knew exactly who to reach out to. I only really invited members from my list and Facebook group to the program, made back the money I had invested in the program and more in those few days, and more women joined after the Cash Injection program was technically over. One of the unexpected results was that through my brief efforts of inviting women to the program, I also enrolled a new private client into my higher ticket one-one-one coaching services. She had decided she wanted more than the group program and upgraded. I didn't burn out doing some crazy launch, had an awesome new group to add to my program, and a great new private client all in under a month..”

~ Sarah Wood, Health/Wellness Coach, Washington
Had A Facebook Group To Tap Into

Imagine if you knew exactly how to identify the wells of opportunity for new income in your business?

Imagine if you knew exactly how to tap into those wells of opportunity and put offers in front of potential new clients so that it led to true results?

Imagine if you could educate your clients on this too?
(they’ll be shouting your name from the rooftops, let me tell ya!)

Wouldn’t that be worth signing up for the Certified Cash Injection Coach ™ program?


Quick! Schedule your call while you can! There were only 25 spots available
and within the first 48hrs of doors opening, 5 spots were snatched up!

Allow Me to Shed a Bit of Light on my Story as a Coach!

My name is Amanda Goldman-Petri and I am the proud founder of! I am an internationally renowned “Work Smarter, Not Harder” Online Marketing Coach. If you’re ready to maximize profits while minimizing the amount of time and effort, that’s my specialty!

I like to think of myself as a “Biz Yoda” wise beyond my years, because although I have experienced and overcome many challenges in my life (poverty, child abuse, rape, teen pregnancy, and near death), I have continued to get back up to create results like this:

  • Created my first $10K month at the young age of 22
  • Booked ~$150K in 4 months at the age of 23
  • Booked ~$120K in 90 Days at the age of 25
  • Booked ~$500K in 90 Days at the age of 26
  • Expanded my business to 19 countries

(heck, as proof this isn't BS, if you email me, I'm happy to share the names of everyone who bought from me in those time frame and the amount they signed up for!)

The success rate of these campaigns is super crazy town.

When I check a month or so ago, ~80% of my mastermind clients were generating money within 30 days and ~58% of my VIP Day clients made the entire cost of the program super fast (for some, they made it back BEFORE the VIP Day even happened LOL, and for most it was within 2 weeks of implementing the campaign). 
It’s important to note, that statistics provided only include money DIRECTLY earned as a result of my campaign and templates.

This showcases the amazing ability my programs have to ACHIEVE RESULTS.

Wouldn’t comparable results sound like this program in a A+ choice?

If you’re ready discover how to ballon your profits with less work, forget the sacrifice and tree, and finally create a financially-free life full of impact and freedom, I’m the coach for you…


Quick! Schedule your call while you can! There were only 25 spots available
and within the first 48hrs of doors opening, 5 spots were snatched up!

Bring out your Horn Rimmed Glasses....
Let’s Talk More about what you’ll Receive!

1) Access to ALL 8 Cash Injection Campaigns, Trainings, and Templates

First and foremost, you’ll learn how cash injection campaigns really work via a 1-hour video training, as well as 20-minute video trainings on each of the 8 campaigns. These are the SAME videos and campaigns my clients are using.

Prior VIP and Mastermind clients have paid $10-20K to access these
resources alone.

Here you’ll learn about control over your cash flow. Knowing how to boost revenue in tight times is an asset you’ll want to have. When profit margins narrow, when paying yourself, when adding an expense or adding an employee, mastering cash injections fast can do wonders for your business and coaching.

2) 3 Week Cash Injection Intensive Contest

You will have 1 week to plan out your cash injection campaigns, and then 2 weeks to implement. This will be a race to make as much money as possible as quickly as possible.

Contests and prizes will be awarded for implementing and seeing results from the campaign! My prior clients have loved this fun feature to my programs. It’s a great way to boost motivation and incentivize action.

Not only will this first-hand experience make you a better coach, but you will also be working on actively generating money in your own business (and, by the way, you are REQUIRED to make money from the campaigns in order to be eligible for certification...THAT is how confident we are in the material and how SERIOUS we are about creating the best of the best)!

3) 6 Live Certification Teleseminar Trainings and Q & A sessions!

Here, I will personally teach you how to be a great cash injection coach and strategize these campaigns with your own clients.

This includes teaching you how to brainstorm offers, take inventory of your client's traffic, help your clients pick what order to do the campaigns in, specific questions and FAQs for each campaign, and how to handle it when your clients don’t see results, or aren’t taking action from the campaigns.

We’ll also talk about how to track your clients results, and overall how to incorporate these campaigns into your coaching programs, services, and offers.

You’ll even have the opportunity to ask questions live and gain direct insight from your mentor (yours truly, Amanda!).

I want you to become the best possible coach you can be...

In depth knowledge (combined with real-life experience) will allow you the expertise to be a stand-out coach in your industry getting real results for your clients. These 6 Certification Trainings are designed to make you a powerful and confident coach.

4) Dozens of downloadable, step-by-step handouts, templates, and scripts that you may distribute, market, and white-label-resell as your own.

Material is essential to completing, teaching, and selling cash injections. You’ll save a wealth of time through “done for you” content designed to maximize results with your clients. These “out of the box” materials make it easy for you to deliver RESULTS!

5) High Quality Support through Voxer Access to our Head Certified Cash Injection Coach™ and a Lifetime Facebook Membership!

My number one goal is to give all of my client’s exceptional service. Through the Certified Cash Injection Coach™ Program, you will see that I am highly responsive, accessible, and reliable. It is important that my company exceeds expectations and delivers on A+ customer service.

(If we’re trying to breed the best of the best coaches, we should walk our talk, right?)

Expect quick responses (forget waiting 4-5 days for feedback!) and thoughtful replies. Accountability is extremely important, and so is your success. I strongly believe in putting clients (aka my fellow knowledge-hungry coaches) first. Always.


Come on, now. Just bite the bullet and schedule your call.
You know if you've read this far, you want to.

#BAM! These Bonuses Are Also In Store:

1) Done for you marketing materials such as pre-written web copy, sales emails, sample social media posts, discovery call outlines, and more!

This bonus prepares you on how to incorporate cash injections into your business model with plug-and-play material. You’ll receive access to the exact copy and material I used to sell these campaigns and intensives in my own business, so you can go out and do the same.

2) Written and video SOPS on how to create, sell, and fulfill your cash injection campaigns from beginning to end!

You’ll be handed a step-by-step process flow to guide you on cash injection process from A to Z. This start-to- finish guide. This bonus feature will walk you through selling and fulfilling your cash injections.

3) A 1-on-1 Personal “Biz Yoda” Session with Amanda (this retails for $197 alone)!

Here, we’ll take an in depth look and strategize a plan for the growth and scalability of your business. You can take direct advantage of my knowledge and expertise in this field during this session!


Quick! Schedule your call while you can! There were only 25 spots available
and within the first 48hrs of doors opening, 5 spots were snatched up!

The Certified Cash Injection Coach™ Program Was
Intentionally Designed To Boost Client Results & Confidence,
So You Can Raise Your Prices and Income Too!

It’s time to put away any limiting beliefs that you may have, because when you arm yourself with the right toolset and the best knowledge out there, you’ll be leagues above the rest.

  • YOU could be the coach everyone is raving about and tagging in Facebook Groups.
  • YOU could be the coach bragging about her clients results.
  • YOU could be the coach who generates referral after referral and sale after sale with minimal effort, because your results sell your programs and services for you.

Let’s break through any pre-defined boundaries and limitations you may have today.

Once you have these campaigns, your business (and your impact on the world) will completely change.

There is no limit or ceiling to what you can produce, and it takes an enthusiastic mind to begin to fulfill your great potential!

The Certified Cash Injection Coach™ Program
Will Help You Unlock That Super Coach Potential
Because It Is RESULTS Focused…

If you’re looking for a coach who will actually measure your results every step of the way, you’re in the right place. This program is designed to get you into action, not further confuse you with a gazillion unnecessary steps. We focus on delivering real, actionable and genuine VALUE you can implement within your coaching business.

This program is designed to change lives (yours and your clients). Are you ready to take your special place in revolutionizing this industry? If so, today may be the perfect day to join me in the Certified Cash Injection Coach™ Program.

Let’s set up a call to see if this program may be the right fit for you.


Quick! Schedule your call right away before the spots are all gone.
We have a strict cap on the number of coaches we allow in.

Flash Recap! Here’s what you’ll receive in the
Certified Cash Injection Coach™ Program:

  • Access to all 8 Cash Injection campaigns, trainings, and templates
  • A 3-Week Cash Injection Intensive where YOU have the opportunity to complete and witness the potential these highly-effective cash injections campaigns into your own business!
  • Fun contests (and prizes!) to motivate and incentivize you towards RESULTS (let’s show off your talents!)
  • 5 LIVE certification teleseminar trainings and Question & Answer sessions for the keen insight and actionable advice
  • Dozens of “out of the box” handouts, templates and scripts that will save immense time. You can feel free to distribute and brand as your own… simply click and download for step-by-step, easy to follow direction
  • Access to the exclusive Lair (a fun member’s only hub and “top secret portal”) to access newly released secret trainings. Shh!
  • Voxer access for quality support our Head Certified Cash Injection Coach™
  • Lifetime access to our members only Facebook group, where you may receive support, interact with, and share knowledge with your peers, coach Amanda, and fellow coaches
  • 4 months of LIVE support (through both Voxer and our Facebook group)
  • A wide variety of incredible bonuses designed to add even MORE incredible value to your coaching business!

The Certified Cash Injection Program™ is not rolling, so you must
join now to get access. There are 25 spots available and 5 spots
were taken in the first 48 hours, so it will fill fast!


What’s to lose in having a discussion about this? As a coach committed to delivering extraordinary value, I want to find the best candidates for my programs possible.

I want to find coaches who are serious about finding an exceptionally high-quality certification program designed to provide results for their business and their clients businesses.

This a highly detailed, intensive program created to deliver outstanding results and empower you to become the absolute best coach that you can become. This program strives to break the norm and set a path for excellence, to revolutionize this industry by helping develop GREAT coaches.

Do you still have concerns that may not get results? Have no fear!

I’ll give you FREE access to one of my other programs of my choice that is appropriate for where you are at in business. In the event that you implement and still don’t get results from this program, I’ll pick another one of my trainings from My Secret Lair to give to you. I make this offer as an act of good faith. Please don’t allow it to be a crutch or excuse to not take action or fully utilize the program.

Still have questions? Or, maybe you’re ready to get going and just need the sign up link?

Let’s just schedule a call to chat first. It’s as important to me that this coaching program is the right fit for my clients.


Quick! Schedule your call while you can. The trainings begin soon
and a limited number of spots are available! Request an interview now!

P.S. Please consider signing up for a FREE call today. This is a no-hassle, non-committal conversation to see if this program may be a good fit for you and your coaching career. If it’s not a fit, let’s discuss a program that may better fit for your personal circumstance, timeline and pace…

P.P.S. Remember to please reserve your spot while it’s available! There are limited spots and we always fill up fast.


QUESTION: Who is this for?

ANSWER: While the campaigns can work with any business owner - online or off - in any industry - the CERTIFICATION is meant for Business, Sales, Marketing, or Money Coaches.

QUESTION: What are these Cash Injection Campaigns that I'm learning to do?

ANSWER: What I do is called "Cash Injection Campaigns". I have designed a series of campaigns that work to up business cash flow without a big launch, facebook ads, or even those pesky webinars. The offer on this page is to get access to my Cash Injection Campaign Strategies, Templates, and Trainings.

QUESTION: What is the investment for the program? Are payment options available?

ANSWER: To join is just one payment of $5000 or 4 payments of $1250. Whether you pay in full or choose a payment plan option, the fee to join is the same either way. Please just choose whichever feels best for you. Please note that even if you choose a payment plan option, this is NOT a month-to-month, cancel-anytime program and you will still be responsible for the full $5k for the program.

QUESTION: When does the program start, and how long does it last?

ANSWER: The program will begin the first week of March. March is when we will focus on implementing and doing your own cash injection campaigns via the 3-week contest. April we will focus on the teleseminars and learning how to TEACH cash injections. And in May you will get all of your requirements in order to finish the certification.

QUESTION: How much time do I need to devote to this?

ANSWER: You should block out 2 hours per week for the program from the beginning of March until the end of May.

QUESTION: How long will I have access to the program content for?

ANSWER: Your program content access will be life-time and you will also receive life-time access to any UPDATES I do to the content for free (meaning, no need to re-purchase if I change the modules or re-run the program).

QUESTION: How is this different from other certification programs out there?

ANSWER: Well, it's extremely rare that a business or marketing coach even does Cash Injection Campaigns (and if they do: they might've learned it from me). In fact, most coaches are not INTENTIONAL with their strategy for how to get you results.. Everything I have created here is intentionally designed and well thought out.

Plus, I like to fully own that I am a service-first, client-first company. My clients will attest to this: I over-deliver, like, BIG TIME!

QUESTION: Are there any policies or disclaimers I should be aware of?

ANSWER: There are 3 major legal policies or disclaimers to be aware of before purchasing.

COURTESY REMINDER: You are purchasing this Program as a business owner, which means you may be giving up valuable legal rights to consumers in your state.

BILLING POLICIES: Our policy at Market Like A Nerd, LLC is that all sales are final. There are no refunds and you are responsible for the full amount of the order whether you pay in full or use a payment plan, as we encourage our clients to purchase with the integrity to own their buying decisions. We understand there are extenuating circumstances that may occur and as such, we have included a "Super Safe Guarantee". In the event that you implement and do not see results, we will choose one of our other programs to gift to you at no additional cost.  By placing your order, you are indicating your agreement to the terms of this offer and to our billing policies on

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: When addressing financial matters on our website and in any of our marketing, including but not limited to our newsletters, program pages, videos, and other content, every effort has been made to ensure that we accurately represent our programs and their ability to improve your life. However, Market Like A Nerd LLC does not guarantee that you will get any results or earn any money using our tools, programs, strategies, or recommendations. Nothing on our sites is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. By purchasing on this order form, you agree that you are fully responsible for your progress from your participation and implementation, and that we offer no representations or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding your earnings potential.

QUESTION: What is your refund or cancellation policy?

ANSWER: I am 100% committed to supporting you in increasing your cash flow and finally making marketing and money-making simple and speedy.

That being said...

This is a refund-free zone. Partially because I know that I show up 200% fully and give a million times more value, availability, and support than any other coach out there (trust me, I've invested A LOT in coaching).

I have an entire webinar just on the topic of how I intentionally craft my content to get A+ client results... I genuinely put A LOT of time, thought, effort, and planning into knocking the experience out of the park for you.

And so, YOU have to be willing to hold up your end of the deal. Deal? Let’s pinky promise!

Put in the effort, follow through with the system I teach you, and we will create success together.

It's also partially because I believe in Money Karma and that we must own our buying decisions and actions, recognizing that they impact others beyond just ourselves. Just as you would not buy food to make dinner, then take the food back when you decide not to eat dinner, you should treat service businesses with the same respect. It's just good Karma, dude. I literally pay my team money for everyone who joins, so if you try to do a refund or chargeback or any unethical crap like that, I literally freaking LOSE money. Don't F me over like that, pretty please.


Quick! Schedule your call while you can! There were only 25 spots available
and within the first 48hrs of doors opening, 5 spots were snatched up!